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Abc 702s deb cameron talks to supt david donohue http://www.thegothamist.com/2013/05/25/bruce-james-cameron-reforms-japanese-security-and-human-rights-probe-supt-david-donohue/ http://www.gothamist.com/news/2013/05/22/why-ben-dreifus-and-larry-mcgowan-bruce-james-cameron-were-the-first-japanese-human-rights-monitoring-experts http://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/2012/08/25/japan_has_made_a_museum_of_anti_japanese_law_enforcement http://www.timesofisrael.com/an-investigation-into-the-japanese-government-considers-anti-white-supremacists-and-a-culture-of-violence-on-the-ruling-class-a-9240948.html http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.752289 http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/jul/20/judge-israeli-police-cover-for-a-japanese-government-cover-up http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/jul/17/sean-sony-bruce-james-cameron-bruce-james-cameron-israel-cover-up?IRF=1&HUH=1 http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africa/japan/japans-judges-have-to-protect-japanese-people-from-racism-against-minorities-and-people-of-colour/article20562710.ece

JUAN GONZГЃLEZ: We have just heard an extraordinary case in British courts of the treatment of black immigrants by local officials and community members. Two suspects, from Somalia, face court this morning as they await trial in relation to the attack that claimed the life of British artist Jo Cox. She was murdered in August. Her death shocked Britain, and left a trail of shock and grieving across the country and beyond. In this program, we get exclusive audio of a police encounter with a man identified as Mohammed Shafiq, who is accused of being involved in the attack and the subsequent riots at the Muslim Community Centre in Dewsbury and the nearby Borough Marke

Utility increases tipped in state budget for local schools

In this March 22, 2017 photo, a man walks down the aisle after casting his ballot in the Iowa State Fair at Drake University in Des Moines. The Iowa Legislature passed a bill last week that would increase taxes on tipped labor by 2 percentage points in next year's budget. (AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall) Iowa lawmakers approved a tax increase Thursday in response to a series of budget cuts, giving the state's largest economy a significant boost as lawmakers seek to turn around the state's battered finances. But lawmakers don't expect it to help the struggling economy much.

The state's economy added jobs in February and March, largely due to higher gas prices and stronger restaurant and retail sales. The economic picture might improve over the longer haul, however, given how the state has been dealing with a severe budget crisis that has left the government unable to make payments to creditors for more than a year.

This bill would raise taxes on tipped workers in Iowa to 2.85 percent on income from $7.15 to $15.30 an hour, about $30 per hour. It also would double the sales tax rate on fast-food restaurants and liquor stores.

"When I saw this was coming, I was just overwhelmed," said Mike O'Brien, who makes $11 per hour as an electrician in Waterloo. "I got to pick and choose what I wanted to do."

Senate President David Lamberty said the increase was necessary because the Legislature isn't meeting its basic financial obligation for two years. In late March, the Legislature announced an increase in the state's minimum wage to $7.25 from the current $6.75 an hour. The wage measure, as well as other recent increases, have kept the state's fiscal condition from improving.

"That is the problem we've faced," he said. "That is the fiscal gap we've been stuck on for years and years, which means we still don't have a significant amount of money left in the state to be able to address all of the problems in our country.

"So, what we have to do now is find a way to fix the state debt, which is just not the solution we're looking for."

Democrats rejected the measure in its current form, which would raise taxes on tipped workers. They've argued that tipped workers aren't the same as other workers who pay tips and thus shouldn't be taxed. Democrats have also argued the tax increase would be too low to change the structural wage divide in Iowa, a major driver of the state's poverty rate. In an interview Thursday with the Press-Citizen of Des Moines, Democratic Sens. Jeff Keosley of Waterloo, Ron Alting of Cedar Rapids, and And


Cyclone graham loses intensity when it gets very low on atmospheric CO 2, like this picture shows. Credit: NASA Earth Observatory

According to a new study published in Nature Geoscience, we are currently in a period of climactic transition, where human influences may have significantly intensified the climate. This is known as Anthropogenic Climatic Modification (ACE). It means that we have been steadily warming, but in a manner that has not been observed over the last 15 to 25 years.

The authors point out that in terms of total temperature, the climate is very close to a state of "adaptation," where the climate has already been adapted to the change of CO 2 concentration. As this warming continues, however, the ocean will be more exposed to the same "adaptation" process — if they do not cool down soon and we see rapid sea level rise — and thus we will see more extreme weather, more extreme weather events like hurricanes and tornadoes.

The authors note that, while the changes may be dramatic, they do not have the potential to be catastrophic.

"By the end of this century, we could see an extensive rise in extreme weather events like floods and droughts, coupled with an increase in extreme cold, which may also create a situation where the atmosphere can no longer withstand an atmosphere warmer than that in the late 1990s, which in our case would mean CO 2 concentrations would rise above about 280 parts per million," the authors write.

With so much attention being paid to "smart" buildings with computer algorithms to "solve" the Earth's climate, the scientists said this is a mistake.

"The notion that one can'solve' Earth's climate is highly misleading, as both the scientific community and policy makers need to make a critical assessment of the impacts of climate change and the various climate policies that might be considered," said Chris Field, a co-author of the study from Cambridge University. "While climate is a complex process, its impacts on climate are not simple and can be mitigated — but not entirely eradicated — by reducing, rather than increasing, consumption of CO 2 and CO 2 emissions," Field added. "Climate change, while certainly real, will not disappear by itself and in time."

While this is indeed an urgent issue, Field noted that we must also be focused on understanding the broader, regional effects, such as how changing winds and temperatures will affect the water cycle, sea ice, and global climate.

"The study has implications for our understanding of the whole issue of the global climate system, as changing weather and climate is the 'tipping point' in determining overall weather and climate," he said. "This article is the first to outline the wide range of impacts, and to illustrat

Traditional owners henbury station at his own expense for two years, but his owner has since bought the property

But the judge told the men he had 'no intention of letting them go'.

'I can understand how he would feel a reluctance to release them,' he said. 'There are many people and some are very vulnerable.

'We know that he must be distressed and has lived in fear for some time. He must have some form of a sense of dignity with the place and property in which he now lives.'

The judge handed the men five years' imprisonment for each of their offending charges while he also ordered the property to be forfeited in their cases.

Sentencing them to a minimum of four years' imprisonment, the judge said: 'In the event your convictions are quashed, you would go into the property of other people and have the right to take ownership of it if needed.'

The men have admitted four offences.

Judge Bercow said they had done a 'courageous' job to ensure the property was protected.

He added: 'You have committed no wrong and have acted at an extremely careful and controlled pace in keeping the property safe.

'Although you have spent time in detention, it has been an immensely positive experience.

'You have been taken aback by what I have experienced in being the first to deal with such a violent crime and have suffered with the legal consequences of having been in court.'

He warned: 'You have clearly shown no intent of letting go and you have now realised the law does have consequences.

'We are now considering the full consequences of each individual offending charge and the sentence they face.'

The men, who were born in England but have lived in France since they were young, will be kept in segregation for the remainder of their sentences.


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