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Police officer found dead in car on Sydney street, coroner tells inquiry

A federal law enforcement officer is dead after an SUV crashed into a vehicle on Sydney's north shore and injured a man inside.

A woman, 28, died when the Ford Taurus that crashed on the north shore collided with the Toyota Prius late at night on Sydney's north shore, the NSW coroner has told a hearing on Saturday.

Queensland Coroner Michael Gubb announced the death of the woman earlier this week, citing the lack of "other obvious external causes" at the scene.

The woman, from Wollongong, was pronounced dead at the scene in the early hours on Saturday.

"The driver and the person responsible … were pronounced dead on the scene at approximately 8.30am, having been transported to Royal North Shore Hospital," Mr Gubb said.

A coroner's report indicated that the SUV driver, originally from Wollongong, had been the vehicle's first occupant.

"All three occupants remained unharmed and were interviewed at the scene by forensic evidence officers," Mr Gubb said, adding that one of them refused to comment about the circumstances of the crash.

He said the cause of the crash, along with the impact of the SUV and driver being drunk or intoxicated, had yet to be established.

"Given the deceased's medical history, we believe there are other obvious external causes," Mr Gubb said.

He did not provide any further details as to what happened in the crash and he said the man did not survive.

"Given the circumstances... we cannot rule out the possibility of other external causes at this time."

Mr Gubb told reporters outside the inquest that he did not believe the driver could have known what he was doing at the time of the accident.

" were extremely intoxicated … they were clearly doing something they didn't mean to."

NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said the investigation was ongoing and there had not been an active search yet for the driver.

"The driver was not involved and he certainly wasn't seen at the time of the accident," Mr Scipione told reporters at the inquest.

In March last year, the New South Wales government introduced measures designed to improve public confidence in the NSW Police following a series of high profile incidents of alleged wrongdoing.

At the time the Liberal-National Coalition's government said a report into the force into the death of an officer found him to be fit to carry on duty.

Topics: drug-offences, law-crime-and-justice, government-and-politics, south-coas

Coalition pledges wedderburn paramedic, 19, of west coast NSW, to stay in Australia after her husband's death by suicide has been announced

A couple whose marriage ended after more than three decades in Australia has been told they can stay after the death of their baby, the New South Wales Department of Health said.

Danielle Dettwyler and Kevin Dettwyler - who were married in the late 1990s - had been expecting their first child when their 19-year-old spouse, Kevin, died from a single gunshot wound to the head last month.

Dettwyler's mum said she was'saddened' by Kevin's suicide and said she was heartbroken she could not take care of him or give him life.

'My daughter and her boyfriend were not giving up,' Ms Dettwyler said.

'The government and the doctors who care for him are doing everything they can to help us find our way home.

'I am truly sorry for your loss.'

In a statement to media yesterday, NSW Health said: 'Danielle Dettwyler and Kevin Dettwyler, along with their baby boy, Gavin, died just five days after a life-saving bullet wound to the head left a little boy unable to breathe.'

DETC had launched an investigation and Ms Dettwyler told Sky News she was aware of the family's situation and would speak to the department later today.

The couple's baby daughter - Gavin - was taken to St Vincent's Medical Centre in Perth as a precaution after the tragic news.

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